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Church Committees

Committees have been organized to take lead on specific aspects of our services and outreach. Members of the Audio Visual Technology Committee run the sound booth, projector, and video during the worship service and help with any technological needs of the congregation. The Vision Committee heads marketing and outreach opportunities. The Discipleship Committee organizes learning and growing opportunities such as Sunday School and Bible Studies. Those on the Worship Committee help coordinate the worship service and music. Finally, the Facilities Committee focuses on the church building maintenance and updates. 

Audio Visual Technology
Arlo Bonnema
Rick DeBoom*
Myron Gradert
Caden Yesda
Discipleship Committee
Katie Bonnema
Harry & Pam Dekkers*
Val Haverhals
Joy Steenhoek
Sara Yesda
Facilities Committee
Dana Dunn
Josh Gradert*
Jerry Steenhoek
Jaron Van Beek
Christy Zeutenhorst
Safe Church Committee
Dan Dunn
Julie Dragstra
Val Haverhals
Sara Yesda
Vision Committee
Ashley Dekkers
Jodi Haverhals
Worship Committee
Wayne Dekkers
Nancy Gradert
Evie Gulker
Joy Steenhoek*
Nola Van Driessen
Aaron Dekkers
Dan Zeutenhorst
Jesse Zeutenhorst
*designates committee director