Outreach and Service Opportunities
Serve in our Community
Community Meals in Hawarden - Our congregation as joined with Hawarden CRC in hosting community meals in Hawarden. The next community meal is planned as a picnic on June 19th.
Hillcrest Health Care Service - Lebanon CRC organizes two church services at Hillcreast Health Care in Hawarden every year. Usually one service is in the spring and the second is in the fall. All members and friends are welcome to join in worship with the residents of Hillcrest. The next service is planned for April 15th.
Cornerstone Prision Church Service - Once a year Lebanon CRC joins with Cornerstone Prision Church in Sioux Falls, SD for combined worship. It is a great opportunity to support and fellowship with our brothers behind bars. Check back for the date of the next service.
The Banquet - Members of Lebanon CRC host a meal at The Banquet in Sioux Falls once a year. The Banquet is a meal ministry that serves community meals downtown Sioux Falls. For more information, visit their website thebanquetsf.org.
Lebanon Community Picnic - Each year our congregation hosts a potluck picnic for the neighbors and friends in the surrounding rural area. Everyone is welcome for a time of good food, fun, games and fellowship. Check back for the upcoming summer date!